puneilapamant Posted February 4, 2024 Share Posted February 4, 2024 [RO] 1. Scriem in consola amx_last si o sa apara o lista cu playerii care au iesit de pe server, aici vom copia numele playerului care dorim sa il banam 2. Scriem in consola : amx_addban " dupa care, imediat dupa " facem click dreapta apoi click stanga pe paste. Dupa ce a fost introdus numele complet al jucatorului,punem din nou " .(eu personal scriu amx_addban " " apoi readuc cursorul intre cele doua " " pentru a da paste.) 3. La acest stadiu ,vom avea deci : amx_addban 4.Continuam scrierea comenzii , cu STEAMid-ul jucatorului , care apare pe aceasi linie cu numele , in ordinea: nume-steamID. Selectam STEAM_ID , dam copy ( Atentie, doar cu mouse-ul funtioneaza shortcut CTRL+C! ) apoi dam paste in continuarea fragementului de comanda deja scris.Urmeaza apoi durata de timp in minute , si apoi motivul.In final comanda va arata in felul urmator: *ghilimele sunt obligatorii In mod normal , ar trebui ca comanda sa fie executat cu succes si jucatorul banat.In cazul in care va da eroare , inseamna ca : 1.Nu ati folosit ghilimelele imediat inainte si dupa nume , dupa cum era explicat mai sus. 2.Nu ati notat corect numele sau STEAM_ID. 3.Jucatorul a iesit de pe server dupa ce ati facut pozele , si inainte ca voi sa scrieti comanda in consola , a intrat inapoi cu alt nick . ATENTIE: comanda amx_addban NU functioneaza pe ip-uri care sunt in continuare pe server. Daca ati verificat si sunteti siguri ca ati scris corect comanda , ip-ul , numele , ati pus si ghilimelele , atunci ca trebui sa va uitati care din jucatorii de pe server sunt noi intrati ( au scor gen 1-0 , 2-0 , etc ) si sa folositi comanda amx_status . IP-ul pe care vi.l arata in consola il comparati cu IP-ul jucatorului pe care ati vrut sa il banati.Va dura un pic,dar il veti gasi intr.un final Dupa ce l-ati identificat, nu va ramane decat sa folositi amx_ban nume 0 nep.ss Cand executati comanda de ban/exterminate nu mai puneti la motiv "pa...jet, etc" ,puneti motivul pentru care ati dat ban .. nep.ss , nep.wgD , aim , speed , wall , etc Nu uitati sa faceti demo, screenshot jucatorului pe care il banati!! Asta pentru a nu avea surprize la cererile de unban si a nu fi acuzati ca ati dat ban pe nedrept. O zi minunata! [EN]: 1. Type `amx_last` in the console, and a list of players who have left the server will appear 2. Type `amx_addban ` in the console, then immediately after the double quotation mark, right-click, and then left-click on "Paste." After the complete player name has been inserted, put another double quotation mark (") (I personally write `amx_addban " "`, then bring the cursor between the two (") for pasting). 3. At this stage, you will have: amx_addban 4. Continue writing the command with the player's SteamID, which appears on the same line as the name, in the order: name-SteamID. Select the STEAM_ID, copy it (Note: Only mouse-clicking functions as CTRL+C shortcut!), and then paste it after the already-written fragment of the command. Next, specify the duration in minutes and then the reason. In the end, the command will look like this: *Quotation marks are mandatory. The command should be executed successfully, and the player should be banned. If an error occurs, it means that: 1. As explained above, You did not use quotation marks immediately before and after the name. 2. You did not note the name or STEAM_ID correctly. 3. The player exited the server after you took the screenshots, and before you wrote the command in the console, they re-entered with a different nickname. ATTENTION: The amx_addban command does NOT work on IPs that are still on the server. If you have checked and are sure that you have correctly written the command, IP, name, and have also used quotation marks, then you should look at the players on the server who are newly joined (have scores like 1-0, 2-0, etc.) and use the `amx_status` command. Compare the IP shown in the console with the IP of the player you wanted to ban. It may take a bit, but you will eventually find them. After identifying them, all that's left is to use `amx_ban name 0 nep.ss`. When executing the ban/exterminate command, do not use reasons like "bye...jet, etc.", put the reason for which you gave the ban: nep.ss, nep.wgD, aim, speed, wall, etc. Don't forget to make a demo and take a screenshot of the player you are banning!! This is to avoid surprises in unban requests and to avoid accusations of unfair banning. Have a wonderful day! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
 puneilapamant Posted February 4, 2024 Author Share Posted February 4, 2024 [RO]: Comenzile de ban folosite pentru 'advanced_bans' sunt urmatoarele: amx_ban "nume, #userid sau steamid" "timp in minute" "motiv" amx_banip "nume sau #userid" "timp in minute" "motiv" amx_addban "nume" "steamid sau ip" "timp in minute" "motiv" amx_unban "steamid sau ip" Valori fixe folosite pentru banare: 60 minute = 1 ora 1440 minute = 1 zi 10080 minute = 1 saptamana 43200 minute = 1 luna 0 minute = permanent [ ! ] Important: 1. Pentru a vedea ip-ul si steamid-ul jucatorilor de pe server folositi comenzile amx_showip si status in consola. Daca jucatorul pe care vreti sa il banati nu mai este pe server folositi comanda amx_last in consola pentru a vedea ip-ul si steamid-ul acestuia 2. Pentru a vedea userid-ul jucatorilor de pe server folositi in consola comanda listplayers unde veti observa userid-ul si numele acestora, sau comanda status unde se va observa userid-ul imediat dupa numele acestora. Comenzile pe userid se folosesc cu # in fata acestuia (vezi punctul 8.) 3. Comenzile amx_ban si amx_banip se folosesc doar cand jucatorul care vreti sa-l banati este pe server ! 4. Comanda amx_ban este doar pentru a da ban pe steamid ! Daca jucatorul respectiv nu are steamid (adica STEAM_ID_LAN) veti primi urmatorul mesaj cand incercati sa-l banati: [AdvancedBans] [ ADMIN ] Target has not authorized with the server! Unable to ban! Deci folositi comanda amx_banip pentru cei care nu au steamid ! 5. Pentru a da ban permanent scrieti la timp valoarea 0 nu 9999999 sau alte valori 6. Pentru a da ban pe steamid este obligatoriu sa puneti " inainte si dupa steamid . 7. Comanda amx_addban pe IP functioneaza doar daca jucatorul nu este pe server ! Exemple de ban/unban: amx_addban Chiorul 93.121.345.12 0 aim -> Nu merge cand jucatorul este pe server amx_addban "Gigi Lautarul" 93.121.345.12 0 "neprezentare ss" -> Nu merge cand jucatorul este pe server amx_addban Xulescu "STEAM_0:3:15263759" 0 speed -> Merge si cand jucatorul este pe server amx_addban "Aragaz cu ochi" "STEAM_0:3:15263759" 0 wall -> Merge si cand jucatorul este pe server amx_banip Tralala 0 aim (va lua ban direct pe ip) -> comanda folosita doar cand jucatorul este pe server amx_ban URSU 0 wall (va lua ban direct pe steamid daca are) -> comanda folosita doar cand jucatorul este pe server amx_banip #17258 0 speed (va lua ban direct pe ip) -> comanda folosita doar cand jucatorul este pe server amx_ban #17343 0 aim (va lua ban direct pe steamid daca are) -> comanda folosita doar cand jucatorul este pe server amx_unban 93.121.345.12 amx_unban "STEAM_0:3:15263759" Dupa cum se vede, cand jucatorul are steamid sau doua nume trebuie pus " inainte si dupa acestea. In cazul numelui, mai simplu puteti scrie o parte din nume si merge banat in acest fel. Clarificari: Comanda amx_ban baneaza jucatorul pe steamid Comanda amx_banip baneaza jucatorul pe IP Cand se scrie steamid-ul in consola mereu o sa se puna ghilimele ( altfel comanda nu va functiona ) [EN]: The ban commands used for 'advanced_bans' are as follows: amx_ban "name, #userid or steamid" "time in minutes" "reason" amx_banip "nume or #userid" "time in minutes" "reason" amx_addban "nume" "steamid or ip" "time in minutes" "reason" amx_unban "steamid or ip" Fixed values used for banning: 60 minutes = 1 hour 1440 minutes = 1 day 10080 minutes = 1 week 43200 minutes = 1 month 0 minutes = permanent [ ! ] Important: 1. To view the IP and SteamID of players on the server, use the commands amx_showip and status in the console. If the player you want to ban is no longer on the server, use the command amx_last in the console to see their IP and SteamID. 2. To view the UserID of players on the server, use the command listplayers in the console, where you will see their UserID and names, or use the command status where the UserID will be immediately after their names. Commands on UserID are used with # in front of it (see point 8). The commands amx_ban and amx_banip are to be used only when the player you want to ban is currently on the server! The amx_ban command is specifically for banning based on SteamID! If the respective player does not have a SteamID (i.e., STEAM_ID_LAN), you will receive the following message when attempting to ban them: [AdvancedBans] [ ADMIN ] Target has not authorized with the server! Unable to ban! Therefore, use the amx_banip command for those who do not have a SteamID! 5. To give a permanent ban, enter the value 0, not 9999999 or other values. 6. To ban by SteamID, it is mandatory to place " before and after the SteamID. 7. The amx_addban command on IP only works if the player is not on the server! Examples of ban/unban: 1. `amx_addban Chiorul 93.121.345.12 0 aim` -> Does not work when the player is on the server. 2. `amx_addban "Gigi Lautarul" 93.121.345.12 0 "no screenshot presence"` -> Does not work when the player is on the server. 3. `amx_addban Xulescu "STEAM_0:3:15263759" 0 speed` -> Works even when the player is on the server. 4. `amx_addban "Aragaz cu ochi" "STEAM_0:3:15263759" 0 wall` -> Works even when the player is on the server. 5. `amx_banip Tralala 0 aim` (will take a ban directly on the IP) -> Command used only when the player is on the server. 6. `amx_ban URSU 0 wall` (will take a ban directly on the SteamID if available) -> Command used only when the player is on the server. 7. `amx_banip #17258 0 speed` (will take a ban directly on the IP) -> Command used only when the player is on the server. 8. `amx_ban #17343 0 aim` (will take a ban directly on the SteamID if available) -> Command used only when the player is on the server. 9. `amx_unban 93.121.345.12` 10. `amx_unban "STEAM_0:3:15263759"` As seen, when the player has a SteamID or two names, you need to use " before and after them. In the case of the name, you can simply write a part of the name, and it will still work for banning in this way. Clarifications: The command `amx_ban` bans the player based on SteamID. The command `amx_banip` bans the player based on IP. When entering the SteamID in the console, quotation marks must always be used (otherwise, the command will not work). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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