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[ CSGO ] - Tutorials New Admins

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Tutorials For New Admins




*Most Important rules on server :

1.you start as a helper, so you are still treated like a normal player, but you can use the , commands you can't use ban
, ask players about scan wargods , give orders to other admins with a higher rank than yours 

| you are a helper so you have to obey higher-ranking admins 

2. Insults directed at any player or admin will result in a 5-minute GAG.| Server insults are punished with a 10-minute GAG / 120-minute Ban. 

 Severe insults, taken to the extreme (dead relatives, injuries to family members, etc.), are punished with PERMANENT BAN! 

  Begging on the server is punished with a 1-3 minute GAG for "begging" If you continue begging after receiving a GAG, you will be sanctioned with a 15-minute ban for "begging"

3. Advertising on the server is strictly forbidden! Whether it's towards a forum or any other server. = PERMANENT BAN!

4.Your nickname must contain at least 3 characters! Sanction: Kick. | first say player to change nick if he dont change use amx_nick "xd" "xDDD"

5. Please do not abuse U@; it is for reporting cheaters and nothing else! Abusing U@ results in a 10-minute ban for "U@ abuse." ( if player send on report 3 times then its called abuse )

6.. If there are more than two admins on the server (e.g., 3 admins), one of them will automatically go spec to watch for possible cheaters and maintain the server. When you get bored,

 talk to one of your colleagues and take turns (e.g., stay spec for 10 minutes, and then another comes spec for 10min).

7. Admins are not allowed to apply commands to each other! An exception is from the Co-Owner rank and above, but they must have a well-founded reason! Otherwise, you will receive REMOVE / Suspend for 3 days!

8.If you see an admin banning players without reason, you are allowed to ban them too, then quickly notify one of the Founders! Helpers are allowed to kick them and don't forget about the EVIDENCE.

9.  The maximum number of lines allowed for the default config is 250-300 lines. If exceeded, you will be penalized with a 15-minute ban. The admin will notify you to delete the config, and if not done, a 10-minute ban will be issued.

10. You are not allowed to climb on textures (map). The first offense results in a slay, and the second offense results in a 10-minute ban for "texture"

11. Your presence on the FORUM is mandatory! Admins are required to respond with PRO / CONTRA + arguments to requests + to have a BAN LIST where they can post their permanent bans.

12. If you have access to our server and have a rank on another server, the Admin rank will be automatically removed! Why? Because we prefer you to be active on our server, not on another/other.

13. If you are absent for more than 3 days, you are required to submit an ABSENCE request.

14. If a complaint has been made against you, you have 24 hours to respond to it. Otherwise [REMOVE]

15. You are not allowed to kick the afks


Tutorial How To Use commands 

*If we wanna gag somebody for example he curses or begs we using 
amx_gag "nick" "time" "reason"  = remember to always use "  "

if player have too long nick like this Fearless Junior we use "Fearless Junior"

if player have special character we using = consola vote and we get hes numbers for example #1234  and amx_gag #1234 "5minutes" "swear"


*If we wanna slap or slay  Ct or Terro for camping spawn / rushing 

we using normal_chat /slay nick or normal_chat /slap nick

*How to ban somebody  we using in consol amx_ban "nick" "time" (0-permament ban) "reason" 

*if person who we want to ban leave server we using commands amx_last - show all players who joined / leave server we copy our cheater /player steam , nick and we use amx_addban "nick" "time" "reason" 
*how to change somebody nick if he dont have 3 characters or have another server ip / vugar nick we using command amx_nick "old nick" "new nick"  if player have special characters we using = vote get hes numbers for example  #1234  amx_nick #1234 "new nick"

*Players can use the command amx_votemap <mapa> <mapa> <mapa> to initiate a map change, or they can use amx_votemapmenu, which displays a list of all the maps available on the server.

] For the vote, a minimum of 2 maps must be chosen!

After the vote has concluded, you will respond with 
NO, and then the map will be changed later using the command amx_nextmap or at the end of the round (mandatory after the giveaway) after announcing the map change on y@ with the text LAST. In this case, the map is changed using the command amx_map <map>.

The map can be changed before the Giveaway if the number of players starts to decrease significantly or if the majority of players request it.


*To create a demo, you need to carefully follow these steps:

1. Type in the console: `record name` (the name of the player for whom you are creating the demo; let's say his nickname is "resursecs," so type: `record resursecs`).
2. Keep the camera on that player.
3. When you want to stop the demo, type in the console: `stop`.
4. To view the demo, type in the console: `playdemo name`, in this case, `resursecs` (for example: `playdemo resursecs` or `viewdemo name`).

If you download a demo from elsewhere, copy it to (……./Counter Strike 1.6/cstrike).


- The demo will be saved in the location where you downloaded CS, in the subfolder Cstrike (Example: E:\CS 1.6 Long Horn\cstrike).

- The filename will be the one you wrote after the record command (when you created the demo), and it will have the .dem extension (for example: resursecs.dem).

If u read to this point answer in private message to me on discord "csreddevils"

- You will need to upload this demo to a site (like girlshare/google drive) and then post it in the banlist as evidence.

*if players choose map like aim_deagle , awp_zigzag to avoid spawnkill on this map u gonna use command amx_freezetime 0

 Binds u gonna need as admins:

Bind "i" "messagemode amx_chat" = bind for admin - chat 

Bind "z" "amx_unlag 1" = bind for lag on server dont use it too much!

bind "c" "amx_csay red Press >M< Log in"

bind "v" "amx_csay red Welcome All New Players"

bind "alt" "say@ Last!" 

Remember all binds keys u can change how u like !

at the bottom you have photos of how to change the map and how to use the vote command and how to ban, please see it too!



screenshots how to change map!

Zrzut ekranu (3).pngZrzut ekranu (4).png

Zrzut ekranu (5).pngZrzut ekranu (7).png

Zrzut ekranu (8).pngZrzut ekranu (9).png

Zrzut ekranu (10).png

screenshot how to gag player with special characters in nick / ban somebody who leave server !

Zrzut ekranu (340).pngZrzut ekranu (341).png

Zrzut ekranu (343.pngZrzut ekranu (6).png

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