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    Pentru ca dorim sa avem un server cat mai curat si pentru ca incercam sa pastram un gameplay placut si cinstit, am deschis acest topic pentru a va pune la curent cu regulamentul serverului. Toti cei care joaca la noi pe server au obligatia de a respecta acest regulament ! Asa ca sa incepem... Regulament General CSGO.CSREDDEVIL.RO ♦ Pentru Jucatori + Admini + V.I.P ♦ 1. Utilizarea oricarui tip de coduri , sau buguri gasite pe server folosite in propriul interes = BAN PERMANENT! 2. Liniile maxime pe care trebuie sa le aibe configul default este de 250-300 linii, daca depasiti o sa fiti sanctionati cu ban 10 minute adminul mai intai trebuie sa va anunte sa stergeti configul pentru ca ati depasit aceasta limita si o sa primiti Ban 10 minute pentru a-l sterge/schimba! 3. Reclama la noi pe server este strict interzisa ! Fie ca este catre un forum sau oricare alt server. = BAN PERMANENT! 4. Nu aveti voie sa faceti afaceri cu itemurile voastre de pe serverul nostru pe alte servere ! Cine va fi prins facand asta va avea contul sters, iar daca este V.I.P sau Admin acesta va primi remove + ban + cont sters. 5. Nu aveti voie sa va vindeti itemurile voastre pe bani reali. Cine va fi prins facand asta va avea contul sters, iar daca este V.I.P sau Admin acesta va primi remove + ban + cont sters. 6. Jignirile adresate oricarui jucator cat si admin se pedepseste cu GAG 5 Minute. 7. Injuriile pe server se pedepsesc cu GAG 10 Minute / Ban 120 Minute. 8. Injuriile grave, duse la extrem(cele de morti, de raniti de familie , rude etc), precum si cele adresate SERVERULUI se pedepsesc cu BAN PERMANENT! Nu cred ca cuiva i-ar placea sa fie injurat in asa fel, mai ales daca unul dintre parinti / rude are o problema de sanatate. 9. Numele vostru de pe joc trebuie sa contina cel putin 3 caractere ! Sanctiune: Kick. 10. Strafe/Bunnyhop este interzis pentru jucătorii cu statut V.I.P, acest movement se pedepseste cu remove! Pentru jucatorii ce nu beneficiaza de V.I.P, este permis doar in limita bunului simt si se pedepseste cu Kick/Ban 10 minute pe motiv "strafe" 11. Nu aveti voie sa va urcati pe textura(harta). La prima abatere primiti slay iar la a 2-a abatere Ban 10 minute pe motiv "textura". 12. Daca vedeti un posibil codat, anuntati-l pe U@ (chat-ul echipei "U" / say_team + shift + 2 ). Atentie! Nu faceti abuz de acest lucru, adica sa anuntati de 1000 de ori. De doua ori este indeajuns. [Abuz U@ = Ban 10 minunte] 13. Echipa CT are voie sa faca camp doar in urmatoarele situatii: Are voie sa faca camp in zonele apropiate unde sa planteaza bomba cat si sa pazeasca C4 14. Pe hartile Plant-Defuze, echipa T are voie sa stea camp si echipa CT sa dea rush in limita bunului simt! Cine nu respecta aceasta regula va primi SLAY. 15. Pe harta awp_bycastor_32 nu aveti voie sa faceti camp in GROTA! Sanctiune: SLAY! 16. Pe hartiile unde se gasesc ostaticii , jocul se va desfasura in felul urmator: T are obligatia sa pazeasca OSTATICII, iar CT sa ii salveze. Daca un CT este prins facand CAMP in loc sa salveze ostaticii va primi SLAY de la un admin! 17. Va rugam sa nu abuzati de U@, acolo se raporteaza codatii si nimic altceva ! Abuzul de U@ se pedepseste cu Ban 10 minute pe motiv "abuz U@ " 18. Cersitul pe server se pedepseste cu GAG 1-3 Minute pe motiv "cersit" . Daca continuati sa mai cereti si dupa ce ati primit GAG, atunci veti fi sanctionati cu BAN 15 minute pe motiv "cersit". 19. Incercati sa nu bateti adminii la cap cu fel si fel de tampenii, le cereti ajutorul daca aveti nevoie sau raportati codatii pe U@, dar daca ii bateti la cap cu alte chestii o sa primiti GAG 1-3 minute / Ban 5 minute. 20. Chat-Tagul nu trebuie sa contina cuvinte vulgare ! Cine va fi prins ca nu respecta acest lucru va primi interdictie de a-si schimba tag-ul. 21. Orice versiune a kit-ului de CS NVIDIA este interzisa pe server ! Cine va fi prins va fi sanctionat in felul urmator : Adminul are obligatia de a anunta jucatorul respectiv de acest lucru iar apoi sa ii dea Ban 10 minute pe motiv "CS NVIDIA, schimba cs". Daca acesta refuza sa schimbe clientul, atunci va primi Ban 5000 minute. 22. Nu aveti voie sa folositi nicknameuri obscene/vulgare/sau care contin reclama etc. Adminul are obligatia de a va schimba numele in (ip-ul serverului sau DNS) iar mai apoi sa va dea kick cu motivul "schimba numele" . Daca tot intrati pe server cu un nume vulgar, atunci o sa primiti Ban 10 minute pe motiv : "nume obscen/reclama"  23. Imprumutarea contului dvs. este strict interzis! Cine va fi prins facand acest lucru va primi BAN PERMANENT + cont sters. 24. STAFF-ul nu este responsabil de scam-ul facut intre voi jucatorii ! Orice trade / gift este facut pe propria voastra responsabilitate! Insa daca un admin face acest lucru, el va fi sanctionat cu remove. ( Aveti nevoie de dovada, de preferat un DEMO ) 25. Cine va fi prins ca incearca sa dea scam sau teapa altui Jucator / Admin / V.I.P va fi sanctionat cu ban 5 zile + cont sters ! Daca individul respectiv este Admin sau V.I.P si incearca sa dea teapa/scam, acestuia i se va scoate gradul + BAN PERMANENT+ cont sters! Va recomandam sa filmati atunci cand faceti trade cu cineva ! De recomandat un DEMO, nu acceptam poze. 26. Daca din testarea Wargods rezulta doar BunnyHop, nu se va da ban permanent, ci jucatorul va fi rugat de admin sa-si reinstaleze cs-ul si i se va aplica ban 10 minute. • Metoda 'Monitorul' este strict interzisa la noi pe server ! Aceasta se sanctioneaza cu urmatoarele: a) La prima abatere : Ban 120 minute pe motiv "interzis monitor" b) La a 2-a abatere : Ban 1200 minute pe motiv "interzis monitor" c) La 3-aabatere : Ban permanent pe motiv "interzis monitor" ♥ Regulament Admini ♥ 1. Prioritatea principala a adminiilor este cea de a avea grija de server si de a preintampina posibilii codati. Cine nu respecta aceasta regula si doreste gradul doar pentru a fi si el cineva pe server va primi REMOVE fara discutii. 2. Daca sunt mai mult de doi admini pe server(ex: 3 admini), unul dintre ei se va pune automat spec pentru a se uita pe posibilii codati cat si pentru intretinerea serverului. Cand v-ati plictisit vorbiti cu unul din colegii vostrii si faceti cu schimbul(ex: stai 10min spec si apoi vine altul spec tot 10min). 3. Prezenta dvs. este obligatorie pe FORUM ! Adminii au obligatia de a raspunde cu PRO / CONTRA + argumente la cereri + de a avea un BAN LIST unde sa isi posteze ban-urile permanente date. 4. Toti Adminii sunt obligati sa detina un BAN LIST unde sa isi posteze ban-urile date ! Ban-urile date trebuie postate zilnic pentru a tine o evidenta + cine va fi prins fara BAN LIST si daca in logs apare ca adminul respectiv a banat un jucator si nu l-a postat va primi REMOVE ! P.S: BAN LIST este obligatoriu doar pentru ban-urile date permanent. 5. Daca detii acces la noi pe server si ai grad pe alt server, Adminul va va fi scos automat ! De ce? Pentru ca preferam sa fiti activi la noi pe server nu la altul / altii. 6. Daca lipsiti mai multe de 3 zile aveti obligatia de a face o cerere de absenta. 7. Daca lipsiti mai mult de 3 zile si nu faceti cererea de absenta, accesul vostru va fi scos automat ! Cererea se face la categoria specifica ( ABSENTE / RETRAGERI ) conform modelului si nu pe alte retele de socializare ! 8. Daca un admin isi imprumuta accesul sau va spune cuiva parola sa, acesta va fi scos din STAFF ( REMOVE ). 9. Adminii care sunt prinsi folosind un limbaj vulgar sau trivial va fi sanctionat in felul urmator: Prima data va fi sanctionat cu + 1 WARN, a 2-a oara cu -1 , iar la a 3-a abatere REMOVE! 10. Adminii care sunt prinsi promovand alte servere sau forumuri vor primi REMOVE fara discutii! 11. Adminii nu au voie sa modifice variabilele cvar ale serverului, exceptie sv_unlag "1" fara permisiunea adminilor superiori. Cine incalca aceasta regula va fi sanctionat cu +1 WARN / -1 / REMOVE! 12. Adminii nu au voie sa dea ban pe motiv "wg forum", cine va fi prins facand acest lucru va primi -1 / REMOVE ! 13. Adminii au obligatia de a pastra un limbaj civilizat pe FORUM cat si pe Discord ! Prima abatere : + 1 WARN , a 2-a abatere : -1 , a 3-a abatere: REMOVE 14. Adminii nu au voie sa aplice comenzi unul pe celalalt ! Exceptie este de la gradul Co-Owner in sus, insa acesta trebuie sa aibe un motiv bine intemeiat ! In caz contrar primiti REMOVE / Suspend 3 zile ! 15. Daca vedeti ca un admin baneaza jucatorii fara motiv, atunci aveti voie sa il banati si voi dupa care sa anuntati repede unul dintre Fondatori ! Helperii aveti voie sa ii dati kick + sa nu uitati de DOVADA. 16. Incercati sa nu faceti abuz de accesul vostru pentru ca asa cum v-a fost dat, asa poate fi si scos ! Respectati regulamentul si nu favorizati pe nimeni ! [ Sanctiune = -1 / + 1 WARN / REMOVE] 17. Nu aveti voie sa va dati BAN / GAG / KICK singuri ! Cine va fi prins ca face acest lucru va fi sanctionat in felul urmator : Daca va banati singuri = REMOVE ! Daca va dati KICK / GAG = Suspend 7 zile ! 18. Cine va fi prins ca face abuz de slap fara motiv va primi : La prima abatere + 1 WARN , a 2-a oara cu -1 , iar la a 3-a abatere REMOVE! 19. Cine va fi prins ca face abuz de comenzile de chat ( say / tsay / psay etc) fara sa le foloseasca in scop informativ va fi sanctionat in felul urmator : Prima abatere : + 1 WARN , a 2-a oara cu -1 , a 3-a abatere = Suspend 7 zile ! 20. Cand faceti demo, filmati maxim 5 runde sau maxim 2 - 3 minute ! Daca prezentati un demo de o runda sau de 30 de secunde , nu avem ce concluzii sa tragem din el pentru ca este prea scurt. 21. Daca vedeti un admin care foloseste cod , ii faceti DEMO si reclamatie si anuntati unul dintre Fondatori ! Nu aveti voie sa aplicati comenzi pe el. [ REMOVE ] Exceptie in cazul in care daca un Fondator nu este online / nu va raspunde la mesaje, atunci il puteti bana. 22. Daca un admin foloseste un limbaj obscen / vulgar / trivial ii faceti poza si reclamatie !!! Nu folositi comenzi pe el. [ REMOVE ] 23. Nu va bateti joc de server si fiti respectuosi cu jucatorii !!! Daca nu respectati acest lucru primiti REMOVE 24. Odata ce ati bagat un jucator la spec pentru poze aveti obligatia de a-i oferii indicatii + sa va ocupati de el + sa fiti si spec in acelasi timp. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daca nu puteti bana un jucator sau sa ii faceti poze, incercati urmatoarea varianta: | | a. Deschideti consola si scrieti vote | b. Cautati numele jucatorului respectiv si in stanga aveti niste cifre, exemplu: | - 2347 : Buburuza | - 3585 : Pupaza din Tei | - 3565 : Pedala`ion | c. Scrieti amx_banip #2347 + IP + TIMP + MOTIV , ca sa faceti poze scrieti amx_ss #2347 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. Banurile date de catre voi trebuie sa vina cu un motiv bine intemeiat, gen "wall" / "aim" / "cfg" . Motivele "pa" / "marsh" / "dispari" vor fi sanctionate cu [ REMOVE ] 26. Votemap se da in ultimele 8 minute ale hartii si se schimba in ultimele 4-5 minute! 27. Daca un admin se ofera sa dea VOT , doar un GRAD MAI MARE poate sa se bage peste el(asta daca are un motiv bine intemeiat). 28. Inainte de a da amx_votemap, scrieti in chat /last pentru a vedea ultimele 5 harti jucate si nu le bagati la vot pe cele care sunt acolo. 29. Harta se schimba doar de catre cel care a dat votul ! Nicidecum de altcineva. [ Sanctiune = -1 / + 1 WARN ] 30. Daca vi s-a facut o reclamatie aveti la dispozitie 24 ore sa raspundeti la ea. In caz contrar [ REMOVE ] 31. Adminii trebuie sa se respecte intre ei ! Chit ca are grad mai mare sau grad mai mic ! [ Sanctiune = -2 / +2 warn ] 32. Nu dati ban-uri pe clasa de ip!! Doar daca e ABSOLUT necesar iar ban-ul sa fie de maxim 30 de minute (Cine va fi prins ca va bana vreo clasa de ip pe o perioada mai mare va primi REMOVE !) 33. Daca ai citit pana aici, atunci la intrebarea "Ai citit regulamentul? ( din cerere de admin ) vei raspunde cu "new era" 34. Cand stati spectatori folositi comanda amx_spectate. 35. Adminii pot fi verificati doar de cei cu gradul  Co-Owner  in sus. 36. Atat jucatorii si adminii nu au voie sa faca monitor sau sa-si spuna pe discord unde sunt ceilalti jucatori - in cazul in care unuia dintre jucatori i se face DEMO, aceasta scuza nu va fi acceptata. ( in caz ca este prins primeste BAN 30 de minute motiv discord+server ) 37. Daca i s-a facut reclamatie unui admin ce are gradul Pre-Manager sau mai mare, aceasta va fi rezolvata de catre Fondator ! 38. Atunci cand un jucator anunta un posibil codat pe U@ aveti obligatia de a anunta jucatorul cu amx_psay si numele acestuia cum ca stati spec si va uitati pe el! 39. Daca ai citit pana aici la intrebarea Mentiuni ( din cerere de admin ) vei scrie "new beginning" 40. Atunci cand cereti un test Wargods unui jucator, aveti obligatia de a face poza la thetime cand l-ati luat la scan si thetime final cum ca ati stat dupa el 5-7 minute. Va recomand sa faceti print in consola sau sa va faceti voi un bind pe o tasta ( bind p snapshot) si sa faceti poza la thetime-ul ce vi-l arata acolo iar daca ati asteptat mai mult sau chiar 5-7 minute si jucatorul nu va oferit WG-ul sa faceti poza la thetime cu cat ati stat dupa el. Daca jucatorul iese de pe server, faceti doar poza la thetime-ul ce vi-l ofera cand ii cereti scanare si poza din consola cum ca el a iesit de pe server. 41. Nu aveti voie sa dati kick la afk 42. Noaptea se vor juca doar mape jucate in general mape 2x2, awp_india, de_dust2 / de_inferno / css_dust2, in nici un caz mape mari si nejucate ( amr/aztec/barcelona/assault ) 43.  Helper-ul nu este considerat admin, prin urmare puteti folosi orice comanda pe unul dintre helperi. 44. Cererile UP se fac doar pe forum, daca va rugati in privat de alt Owner sa va dea up riscati sa primiti REMOVE. ♥ Regulament V.I.P  ♥ Nu aveti voie sa va urcati pe texturi inalte unde unii jucatori nu pot ajunge sau sa faceti camp pe ele. [ +1 WARN + slay / BAN 10 min ] Chiar daca sunteti V.I.P , daca un admin va cere Wargods si nu il dati sau iesiti de pe server, beneficiul va fi scos. Daca sunteti prinsi jucand cu coduri, veti primi remove instant + BAN PERMANENT. Reguli ce tin de Scan Wargods: • Daca un admin va cere un test Wargods si voi vreti sa va intre in PC, acesta nu este obligat sa accepte acest lucru! Daca nu va merge Wargods scan incercati sa il rulati cu "Run as Administrator" sau sa va asigurati ca aveti Wargods-ul pentru versiunea dvs. de Windows. Va recomandam sa aveti Windows 10. • Timpul de acordare pentru un test Wargods este de 5 - 7 minute ! Timpul de acordare pentru poze este de 3 - 5 minute ! Cine nu respecta va primi -1. • Odata ce ati bagat un jucator la spec pentru Wargods aveti obligatia de a-i oferii indicatii + sa va ocupati de el + sa fiti si spec in acelasi timp. • Helperii nu au voie sa ceara Wargods sau poze ! Aceasta regula este impusa de catre noi(Fondatorii) pentru ca nu aveti acces la BAN. Daca sunteti singurii admini pe server cu acest grad si vedeti un codat, va recomandam sa ii faceti un DEMO  jucatorului suspect si mai apoi sa ii faceti reclamatie cu numele acestuia + ip-ul.. CFG-urile ce apar in urma scanului Wargods si sunt trecute ca si Whitelisted , nu vor fi sanctionate! Daca in testul Wargods se gasesc cfg-uri ce contin alias-uri, adminii vor bana jucatorul respectiv timp de 15 minute pe motiv "cfg cu alias-uri / schimba cs" Atunci cand un admin cere un scan Wargods unui jucator, acesta va proceda in felul urmator: > Se va pune el spectator urmand sa puna jucatorul spectator oferindu-i informatiile necesare pentru realizare Wargods-ului > Daca jucatorul are Wargods-ul curat, adminul va scrie in chat clean numele jucatorului. Info : Daca jucatorul in cauza iese de pe server in timp ce voi i-ati cerut Wargods trebuie sa il banati! ADD: > Conducerea CSGO.CSREDDEVIL.RO isi rezerva dreptul de a-si alege jucatorii. > Regulamentul poate suferi modificati ori de cate ori este nevoie.



    Because we want to maintain a clean server and ensure pleasant and fair gameplay, we have opened this topic to keep you informed about the server rules. All those who play on our server are obligated to respect these rules! So let's begin... General Rules CSGO.CSREDDEVIL.RO ♦ For Players + Admins + V.I.P ♦ 1. Using any type of cheats or bugs found on the server for personal gain = PERMANENT BAN! 2. The maximum number of lines allowed for the default config is 250-300 lines. If exceeded, you will be penalized with a 10-minute ban. The admin will notify you to delete the config, and if not done, a 10-minute ban will be issued. 3. Advertising on the server is strictly forbidden! Whether it's towards a forum or any other server. = PERMANENT BAN! 4. You are not allowed to trade your items from our server on other servers! Those caught doing so will have their account deleted. If the person is a V.I.P or Admin, they will receive a remove + ban + account deleted. 5. Selling your items for real money is not allowed. Those caught doing so will have their account deleted. If the person is a V.I.P or Admin, they will receive a remove + ban + account deleted. 6. Insults directed at any player or admin will result in a 5-minute GAG. 7. Insulting the server is punishable by a penalty depending on the admin 10-minute GAG / 120-minute Ban. 8.  Severe insults, taken to the extreme (dead relatives, injuries to family members, etc.),as well as those addressed to the server are punished with PERMANENT BAN! 9. Your nickname must contain at least 3 characters! Sanction: Kick. 10. Strafe/Bunnyhop is prohibited for players with V.I.P status, this action is punishable by removal. For players without V.I.P benefits, it is allowed only within the bounds of common sense and will be punished with Kick/10-minute Ban for "strafe" 11. You are not allowed to climb on textures (map). The first offense results in a slay, and the second offense results in a 10-minute ban for "texture" 12. If you see a possible cheater, report it on U@ (team chat "U" / say_team + shift + 2). Attention! Do not abuse this, reporting twice is enough. [Abuse U@ = Ban 10 min] 13. The CT team is allowed to camp only in the following situations: They are allowed to camp in areas near bomb sites and guard the C4. 14. On Plant-Defuse maps, the T team is allowed to camp, and the CT team can rush within reason. Failure to follow this rule results in SLAY. 15. On the awp_bycastor_32 map, camping in the GROTTO is not allowed! Sanction: SLAY! 16. On hostage maps, the game will proceed as follows: T is responsible for guarding the HOSTAGES, and CT must rescue them. If a CT is caught camping instead of saving the hostages, they will receive SLAY from an admin! 17. Please do not abuse U@; it is for reporting cheaters and nothing else! Abusing U@ results in a 10-minute ban for "U@ abuse." 18. Begging on the server is punished with a 1-3 minute GAG for "begging" If you continue begging after receiving a GAG, you will be sanctioned with a 15-minute ban for "begging" 19. Try not to bother admins with nonsense; ask for help when needed or report cheaters on U@. Bothering them with other things will result in a 1-3 minute GAG / 5-minute Ban. 20. The Chat-Tag should not contain vulgar words! Violating this rule results in an interdiction on changing your tag. 21. Any version of the NVIDIA CS kit is prohibited on the server! Those caught will be sanctioned as follows: The admin must notify the player of this and then issue a 10-minute ban for "NVIDIA CS, change CS" If the player refuses to change the client, they will receive a 5000-minute ban. 22. You are not allowed to use nicknames that are obscene/vulgar/or that contain advertising, etc. The admin has the obligation to change your name to (server ip or DNS) and then kick you with the reason "change the name". If you keep entering the server with a vulgar name, then you will receive a 10-minute ban for the reason: "obscene name/advertisement" 23. Lending your account is strictly forbidden! Those caught will receive a PERMANENT BAN + account deleted. 24. The STAFF is not responsible for scams between players! Any trade/gift is done at your own risk! However, if an admin does this, they will be sanctioned with removal. (You need evidence, preferably a DEMO) 25. Those caught attempting to scam another Player/Admin/V.I.P will be sanctioned with a 5-day ban + account deletion! If the individual is an Admin or V.I.P and attempts to scam, their rank will be removed + PERMANENT BAN + account deleted! We recommend recording when trading with someone! Preferably a DEMO, we do not accept pictures. 26. If the WarGods test only results in BunnyHop cheat, the player won't be banned permanently. The admin requests that the player reinstall cs and gives a 10-Minute Ban. The 'Monitor' method is strictly prohibited on our server! It is penalized as follows: a) First offense: 120-minute ban for "forbidden monitor" b) Second offense: 1200-minute ban for "forbidden monitor" c) Third offense: Permanent ban for "forbidden monitor"   ♥ Admin Rules ♥ 1. The Admin's main priority is to take care of the server and prevent possible cheaters. Those who do not respect this rule and only want the rank to be someone on the server will be REMOVED without discussion. 2. If there are more than two admins on the server (e.g., 3 admins), one of them will automatically go spec to watch for possible cheaters and maintain the server. When you get bored, talk to one of your colleagues and take turns (e.g., stay spec for 10 minutes, and then another comes spec for 10min). 3. Your presence on the FORUM is mandatory! Admins are required to respond with PRO / CONTRA + arguments to requests + to have a BAN LIST where they can post their permanent bans. 4. All Admins are required to have a BAN LIST where they can post their bans! Bans must be posted daily to keep track. Anyone caught without a BAN LIST, and if the logs show that the admin banned a player and did not post it, they will be REMOVED! P.S: BAN LIST is only mandatory for permanent bans. 5. If you have access to our server and have a rank on another server, the Admin rank will be automatically removed! Why? Because we prefer you to be active on our server, not on another/other. 6. If you are absent for more than 3 days, you are required to submit an ABSENCE request. 7. If you are absent for more than 3 days and do not submit an absence request, your access will be automatically removed! The request is made in the specific category (ABSENCES / WITHDRAWALS) according to the model and not on other social networks! 8. If an admin lends their access or tells someone their password, they will be removed from STAFF (REMOVE). 9. Admins caught using vulgar or trivial language will be sanctioned as follows: The first time will be sanctioned with +1 WARN, the second time with -1, and the third offense will be REMOVED! 10. Admins caught promoting other servers or forums will be REMOVED without discussion! 11. Admins are not allowed to modify the server's cvar variables, except sv_unlag "1" without the permission of higher-ranked admins. This action is punishable with +1 WARN / -1 / REMOVE! 12. Admins are not allowed to ban for the reason "wg forum" Those caught doing this will receive -1 / REMOVE! 13. Admins are required to maintain civilized language on the FORUM and Discord! First offense: +1 WARN, second offense: -1, third offense: REMOVE 14. Admins are not allowed to apply commands to each other! An exception is from the Co-Owner rank and above, but they must have a well-founded reason! Otherwise, you will receive REMOVE / Suspend for 3 days! 15. If you see an admin banning players without reason, you are allowed to ban them too, then quickly notify one of the Founders! Helpers are allowed to kick them and don't forget about the EVIDENCE. 16. Try not to abuse your access because as easily as it was given, it can be taken away! Respect the rules and do not favor anyone! [Sanction = -1 / +1 WARN / REMOVE] 17. You are not allowed to give BAN / GAG / KICK to yourself! Those caught doing this will be sanctioned as follows: If you ban yourself = REMOVE! If you kick yourself / GAG = Suspend for 7 days! 18. Anyone caught abusing slap without reason will receive: First offense +1 WARN, second time with -1, and the third offense will be REMOVED! 19. Anyone caught abusing chat commands (say / tsay / psay, etc.) without using them for informational purposes will be sanctioned as follows: First offense: +1 WARN, the second time with -1, the third offense = Suspend for 7 days! 20. When making a DEMO, record a maximum of 5 rounds or a maximum of 2 - 3 minutes! If you present a DEMO of one round or 30 seconds, we cannot draw any conclusions because it is too short. 21. If you see an admin using cheats, make a DEMO and complaint and notify one of the Founders! You are not allowed to apply commands to them. [REMOVE] Exception: If a Founder is not online / does not respond to messages, you can ban them. 22. If an admin uses obscene/vulgar/trivial language, take a screenshot and file a complaint!!! Do not use commands on them. [REMOVE] 23. Do not mock the server, and be respectful to players!!! If you do not respect this, you will receive REMOVE 24. Once you have put a player in spec for pictures, you are obliged to give them instructions + take care of them + be spec at the same time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  If you cannot ban a player or take pictures of them, try the following:  a. Open the console and type vote  b. Look for the player's name, and on the left, you have some numbers, for example:  - 2347: Ladybug  - 3585: Tei Poplar  - 3565: Pedal` ion  c. Write amx_banip #2347 + IP + TIME + REASON, to take pictures write amx_ss #2347  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Bans issued by you must have a well-founded reason, like "wall" / "aim" / "cfg" Reasons like "bye" / "rip" / "disappear" will be sanctioned with REMOVE • Votemap is given in the last 8 minutes of the map and changes in the last 4-5 minutes! • If an admin offers to vote, only a HIGHER RANK can override them (if they have a well-founded reason). • Before using amx_votemap, type /harti in chat to see the last 5 maps played, and do not vote for those that are already there. • The map changes only by the one who voted! Never by anyone else. [Sanction = -1 / + 1 WARN] • If a complaint has been made against you, you have 24 hours to respond to it. Otherwise [REMOVE] • Admins must respect each other! Whether they have a higher or lower rank! [Sanction = -2 / +2 WARN] • Do not ban by IP class!! Only if it is ABSOLUTELY necessary and the ban is for a maximum of 30 minutes (Anyone caught banning an IP class for a longer period will be REMOVED!) • If you have read up to this point, then answer "Have you read the rules?" ( Request admin category ) with "new era" • When in spectators, use the amx_spectate command. • Admins can only be checked by those with the rank Co-Owner and above. • Both players and admins are not allowed to monitor or inform each other on Discord about the whereabouts of other players - if one of the players is DEMOed, this excuse will not be accepted. (if caught, they receive a 30-minute BAN reason discord+server) • If a complaint is made against an admin with the rank Pre-Manager or higher, it will be resolved by the Founder! • When a player reports a possible cheater on U@, you are obliged to notify the player with amx_psay and their name that you are spec and watching them! • If you have read up to this point, at the "Mentions" ( Request admin category ) question, write "new beginning" • When requesting a Wargods test from a player, you are obligated to take a screenshot at the time you took the scan and the final time after waiting for 5-7 minutes. I recommend taking a screenshot in the console or creating a bind on a key (bind p snapshot) and taking a picture of the time shown there. If you have waited longer, or even for 5-7 minutes, and the player has not provided the WG, take a screenshot of the time you waited. If the player leaves the server, only take a screenshot of the time they provided when you asked for the scan and a screenshot from the console indicating that they have left the server." • You are not allowed to kick the afks • Only small maps will be played at night, such as 2x2, awp_india, de_dust2/de_inferno/css_dust2. Under no circumstances will large and unused maps be played (amr/aztec/barcelona/assault). • The Helper is not considered an admin; therefore, you can use any command on one of the Helpers. • UP requests are only made on the forum; if you privately ask another Owner for an up, you risk receiving a removal. ♥ Regulament V.I.P  ♥   You are not allowed to climb on high textures where some players cannot reach or camp on them. [ +1 WARNING + slay / 10-minute BAN ] Chiar daca sunteti V.I.P , daca un admin va cere Wargods si nu il dati sau iesiti de pe server, beneficiul va fi scos. Daca sunteti prinsi jucand cu coduri, veti primi remove instant + BAN PERMANENT. Wargods Scan Rules: • If an admin asks for a Wargods test, and you want to enter their PC, they are not obligated to accept! If the Wargods scan does not work, try running it with "Run as Administrator" or make sure you have the correct version of Wargods for your Windows version. We recommend having Windows 10. • The grace period for a Wargods test is 5 - 7 minutes! The grace period for pictures is 3 - 5 minutes! Those who do not comply will receive -1. • Once you have put a player in spec for Wargods, you are obliged to give them instructions + take care of them + be spec at the same time. Helpers are not allowed to ask for Wargods! This rule is imposed by us (Founders) because you do not have access to BAN. If you are the only admins on the server with this rank and you see a cheater, we recommend making a demo of the suspect player and then filing a complaint with their name + IP. CFGs that appear in the Wargods scan and are listed as Whitelisted will not be sanctioned! If the Wargods test finds cfgs containing aliases, admins will ban the respective player for 15 minutes for "cfg with aliases/change cs" When an admin asks a player for a Wargods scan, they will proceed as follows: > They will put themselves in spectator mode, then put the player in spectator mode, providing them with the necessary information for the Wargods scan. > If the player's Wargods is clean, the admin will write "clean" in the chat along with the player's name. Note: If the player in question leaves the server while you have requested a Wargods scan, you must ban them!
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